Our Kitchen

At Albert Waterways Children’s Centre we take our food very seriously!!! Fresh, nutritious meals are cooked each day and delicious smells greet you from the kitchen as you enter.

Our menu is created weekly by our head cook Tracy and cooked in our kitchen on site. We incorporate fresh seasonal produce to provide a diverse range of foods to get the children loving healthy food. The early years are when children form relationships with food and food types so we endeavour to offer an interesting mix of tastes, flavours and colours to entice their interest.

Children with special diets are catered for. We are able to provide your child with a safe meal option which is important for children with allergies, intolerances or religious and cultural restrictions.

At Albert Waterways we welcome and encourage family input. If your child has a favourite meal that you are willing to share the recipe of, we would be happy to give it a trial at the centre. We love variety and trying new foods!

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